Redeeming Church Conflicts,  Redemptive Relationships

There is one among us who loves the antithesis of faith that destructive church conflict is (Rev. 12:9).

AntithesisDestructive church conflict causes pain … to God.

Of course, it causes pain to the people going through the church conflict too. But the pain of the antithesis to our faith is felt most by God. When his eternal children live in the church as if their faith made little or no difference, His warning, “If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other (Gal. 5:15),” is tragically fulfilled.

What does it look like when we respond to church conflict with an antithesis to our faith?

  • What can now be seen trumps what is unseen.
  • The temporal is of greater concern than the eternal.
  • Self-interest supersedes the interests of others.
  • Loyalty to a person is more highly valued than loyalty to Christ.
  • The present is more important than the future.
  • Angry venting feels more productive than controlling the tongue.
  • The opinion of other people is more important than the opinion of God.
  • Being a victim is more satisfying than being an overcomer.
  • Fear of man is more terrifying than fear of God.
  • Anxiety over possible outcomes takes priority over trusting God.

Consider your current church conflicts. How are you living in antithesis to the very Christian faith you profess to believe?

Church conflict reveals antithesis.
Church conflict fuels antithesis.
Church conflict grieves God.
Church conflict destroys.

But there is one among us who loves the antithesis of faith that destructive church conflict is (Rev. 12:9).

– Dave Edling
(Reposted with permission from

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