
Choza’s chances are at 50-50

In surgery today, Dr. Lain saw that the obstruction had already perforated her intestine and begun to be infected (very not good) — so he had to remove over 18 inches of her intestine.

The risk of toxicity or toxic shock is very high. He puts her chances of pulling through this at around 50%.

If she survives the next 24-48 hours, then things look a little better.

We are praying for her comfort (not even a sparrow falls without the Lord knowing, right?) — and also that God might allow her to fend off this infection and live. But mostly we are praying that we will have grateful hearts for God’s sweet gift of the time we’ve had with her, no matter what the outcome.

(Oh–and I’m trying not to blame myself for letting her get into something that would hurt her like this! I can’t figure out when she did it because she’s ALWAYS with me. But I think, “If only I had …” and “I should have protected her better!” Of course Fred says, “She’s a dog. She’s going to do stupid things. And we had no indication that she was into anything that could hurt her.” (She ALWAYS leaves our things alone.) But you know me–I’m tempted to blame myself over and over again. But I’m trying not to.)


Thanks again for your compassion!

Love to all and Happy Sunday–
Tara B.