Crime. Debt. Enmity.
Many thanks to for quoting Sproul and setting my heart on Christ on this blazingly-hot (100+ degrees here in Montana), much-to-do (tempted to feel overwhelmed/hide/run away/do nothing OR run around accomplishing too much and miss out on PEOPLE and RELATIONSHIPS), is it really almost August-Monday morning:
“Christ, then, is the One Who made satisfaction. By His work on the cross, He satisfied the demands of God’s justice with regard to our debt, our state of enmity, and our crime. In light of the facts of God’s justice and our sinfulness, it is not difficult to see the absolute necessity of the atonement.”
Yes. Yes.
I do see the absolute necessity of the atonement, Lord.
My crime. My debt. My enmity.
Christ my substitute. Surety. Mediator.
There is no other Truth.
There is no other Hope.
God bless you, my friends!
And remember–the Lord is for His children.
And HE is mighty to save.
(Not because we deserve His merciful, grace-filled salvation!
That’s the whole point–WE CAN NEVER MERIT IT. Never.
But because HE is a merciful, graceful, SAVING GOD.
HE makes the way for us to be right with Him.
His justice HAS BEEN satisfied.
His mercy pours out.
Run to Him!
Run to Him.
And worship.
Blessed Monday to you all!
With love,
Tara B.