
Gifts in Marketing?

We are SO close to having the DVD series done! It’s exciting … BUT …

We REALLY need someone with gifts in marketing/writing to help us with the “copy” (content/text) for the:

1. Back page of the study guide and dvd box;

2) Bulletin insert;

3) Promotional sign;

4) Magazine advertisement; and

5) Content for the voiceover for a two-minute (and one minute and 30 second) video “ad” (that would also include some of the quote the women in the audience gave during our feedback/Q&A time).

Fred and I are TRYING to do this ourselves–but I think we sound pretty lame.


We TRIED to hire two people–but one wasn’t interested and we couldn’t afford the other.

So–if any of YOU are interested (or know someone who has gifts in these areas), would you please drop me an email and let me know?

It feels so frustrating to get THIS CLOSE to the finish line and have no creativity/energy left for such an important aspect of the project.

Thanks, friends!

Tara B.