Oil and Water
Do you ever respect and care for certain people … but, for whatever reason, find that you don’t really “click” with them?
I can think of a few of these people in my life.
We’ve never had a conflict. I don’t have any distinctly negative thoughts or feelings about them. But every time we interact, it’s very much like oil and water. We just don’t mix. We don’t get each other.
This used to really bother me. I wanted to get along with everyone! Somehow I thought that “Christian fellowship” and “love” meant that every personality, every communication style, every quirk & maturity & immaturity would fit together well.
But now I don’t think that anymore.
Yes, I am absolutely convinced that we are to strive for the peace and unity of the Body.
Yes, we are definitely called to love one another; speak well of one another; “accept one another just as Christ accepts [us].”
But now I feel so much more comfortable just acknowledging, “Wow. I really don’t get her.” Or, “Hmmmmmmm … I really appreciate all he does for the church and I know he cares about me … but MAN! We are just NOT a good fit communication/style/personality-wise.”
And then I absolutely KNOW that there are going to be lots and lots of people who DO get them and find them astoundingly EASY to relate with and just a JOY to be around. (And those people are PROBABLY going to be the ones who find that I’m just a little strange and, though they genuinely care about me, find it hard to “click” with ME.)
It is just a fact of life that we are going to relate with different people in different ways. We will be attracted to certain personalities and called to persevere with others.
Such is the Christian life.
We don’t have to write them off, disrespect them, or say they have some sort of flaw. Rather, we can give a little chuckle, thank God for them, and not worry about it.
That’s what I’m telling myself anyway.
May God give us the grace to love well!
Here’s to a happy Tuesday–
With joy,
Tara B.