Put their struggle in the context of your struggle …
Fred was praying for me the other night and he prayed that, in particular, I would have a merciful heart toward a certain person who treats me very badly.
As he prayed, I was stuck by how easy it was for me to have a hard heart toward this person. I think, “She is just SO proud! She sneers at me and judges me and obviously thinks I’m stupid / boring / ugly / worthy only of rejection.”
And then, somehow, I give myself “permission” to, well, NOT LIKE HER.
Or–if I’m feeling particularly “Christian”–to “love her” but PULL BACK FROM HER and keep her at arm’s length.
When Fred was praying for me, though, I was cut the quick with how guilty I was of the very things my HEART was accusing her of!(Oooooooooooooh! We really ARE a wretched lot, aren’t we?)
So I am praying right now that God will help me to put HER struggle in the context of MY struggle. Because whenever I do that for ANY person, I am reminded of just how messed up I am, how desperate I am for grace … and how I am JUST LIKE HER.
My only beauty? Christ.
My only hope? Christ.
This helps me to persevere and really pray for the other person and really strive to love her well.
Thank God for His mercies!
And for husbands (and friends) who love us enough to a) tell us the truth; b) never reject us; and c) PRAY FOR US.
Resting in Christ alone!
With love from Pennsylvania,
Tara B.