3AM Arrival
Well … THAT wasn’t the easiest trip I’ve ever done!
Snowfall in Minneapolis delayed my flight for almost four hours, so it was almost 3AM when we finally reached Atlanta.
THEN, the ENTIRE train system in the Atlanta airport was OUT OF ORDER. So we had to walk–LITERALLY A MILE–through an airless, hot basement tunnel to reach the end of the terminal.
THEN, I get to my hotel only to be told that I’ll have to wait “at least 15 minutes and maybe longer” because their computers are “out” because they are running some report or something.
So … it’s after 3:00 in the morning, I am just now getting to my hotel room, and I am looking at a LOOOOOONG day today (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday) and no guarantee I’ll make it home Saturday night. (It looks especially tenuous given this snow in the Midwest.)
But honestly? I’m doing OK. Tired. Hot & sweaty (walking a mile pulling my bags was FOR SURE the most activity I’ve had since we got the flu almost three weeks ago).
But safe. In a clean, cool hotel room drinking clean, cool water.
Fred walked me (via Bluetooth & Verizon!) off the plane and through the entire MILE of tunnel and rode with me in the cab and waited until I was safely ensconced in my room before heading to bed himself. (What a guy!)
And now, if I can rouse myself in the morning (I’ll set two alarms for sure!), I have the GREAT privilege of serving these precious women in Atlanta. What a gift! What an honor!
So … off to sleep if I can tell my brain “shhhhhhhh” and actually wind down for even a few hours of shut-eye.
Grace to you, dear ones!
Your travelin’ pal,
Tara B.