Old Copyright Applies …
Shannon asked a good question in a comment so I thought I’d bring it up to a real post and reply to it here.
It has to do with my DVD series:
Living the Gospel in Relationships
Shannon wondered if the original copyright (that allows you to print off or copy as many copies of the 104-page study guide as you like) will apply once (“IF” — it’s not a done-deal yet!) Peacemaker Ministries officially picks up the series and makes it “their own.”
Here’s the deal: Yes. If you have already purchased the DVD series or if you purchase it in this interim season before (“IF”) Peacemakers publishes their version, you may print off or copy as many copies of the study guide as you’d like.
This was one of my conditions during our negotiations. I just could not go back on my word to you all–and I won’t.
So if you have the series or you get it soon, you’re set! You can train all of the women in your church if you’d like–all for $50! But if you wait much longer, you’ll have to pay the $99 Peacemaker Price and buy a new guide for each participant.
Thanks for the good question, Shannon!
Much love to all,
Tara B.