Sometimes a little encouragement goes a long way …
Yesterday, as I waited to be picked up at the Orange County airport, I observed a number of situations (and intervened in a few) that got me thinking about just how often even the tiniest bit of encouragement to do the right thing can go SO far.
Just one example: I’m sitting on a bench, looking for my ride. An elderly woman pulls up, opens her trunk, and begins to help another elderly woman with some apparently very heavy bags.
(Yeah. Like I’m going to be able to sit there and WATCH that. My mother raised me better and my grandmother would roll over in her grave if I did.)
So, of course, I jump up and begin to help them with the–yes, incredibly heavy–bags. As I do so, a gentleman next to us pauses his conversation, sets down his cell phone, and begins to help too.
It took less than one minute, but really helped the women. It was absolutely no biggie. But it was a tiny ripple of grace in a day filled with lots of hustling and bustling around.
I love stuff like that. Children and adults who hold doors open for one another, offer seats, help with bags. Man. I’m such a softie! A total “cry at the long distance carrier commercial/I’m sure that’s why I love TWW” romantic.
Anyway–I pray that I will set aside self today; see the people around me, encourage, and serve. For God’s glory! By His grace.
Hope your Friday is a great one!
Tara B.
If you read that line up above about my mom “raising me better than that” and thought, “Hey! I thought Tara’s mom had all of those struggles.” Know that, yup, she did. But she also had MANY moments of great wisdom and common grace too … She raised Kali and I to love reading and education. She introduced us to fine art and music. She taught us never to judge another person by the color of their skin or some preconceived “label.” My mother was, and is, a very generous woman who is quick to help when someone is in need. She is a gifted artist and poet. She had (and has) a lot of struggles–just like us all. But she had (and has) a lot of beauty too. I am who I am in many ways because of her–and God is sovereign over all of the details of my life. And He is always good.