Need to Get Right with the Lord
I received a sweet email today from someone from my past who reconnected with me because of my blog, and I thought one of you might be even a tiny bit encouraged by my response to her.
She talked in her email about “needing to get right with the Lord” and how my blog has helped her to remember that even the people who can SEEM like they have such happy (“perfect”) lives, struggle too.
Here is my (edited / identifying information removed / slightly altered to hide some facts) reply:
It’s so nice to hear from you! I’m very glad that my blog is even a tiny encouragement to you. And please don’t worry about being a stalker! In blog-lingo, people who read but never post are called LURKERS. And most blogs with any level of readership have a bunch. You’re always welcome at the blog!
And I’ve prayed for your heart this morning, too, especially regarding your faith in the finished work of Christ and your relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Surely, a right relationship with God based not on our performance but on Christ IS the most important thing in all of life. So please know that I did pray for you.
I also wanted to encourage you to check out an inexpensive little book (if you like to read) called, “The Prodigal God” by T. Keller. It’s a great book, especially for when we all feel distant from God and tired of trying to “be good.” It really explains Scripture in a way that makes sense, is God-centered, and HELPFUL. Might make a nice Christmas gift if someone was asking what you might like …
Hope you can get some rest today after such a long shift! Thanks for all you do to serve your community. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to have your job. A few years ago, Fred and I were in a pretty desperate state financially and I spent a few months doing some secretarial work at an office here in Billings in the “rough part of town.” OH MY STARS but there were so many people in such complicated troubles with so many needs. I can’t imagine everything you encounter on a normal day in your job.
God bless you! And thanks again for writing.
Tara B.
You are so wise re: how we never really know just how hard another person’s life is. Now that I’m only 40, and having lived the life I live with the experiences I’ve had, this I know for 100% sure … EVERYONE has suffering. Everyone. Even (especially?) the wealthy. Even the “looks so happy” married couple. Skinny people. Fat people. People with children. People who can’t have children.
Life in a fallen world is HARD.
That’s why we need to submit to membership in a local church that is faithful to the Bible and that humbly and winsomely preaches the Word, administers the sacraments, helps us to worship and pray, and loves us enough to discipline us / hold us accountable / help us to grow.
If you’re not already a member of a local church, I hope you will pray, seek counsel, make a wise decision, and join one soon. We’re just not meant to live apart from the church.
Hey! I’ve been in a little bit of a blue place (hah! understatement) and not blogging lately, so I think I’ll take out ALL identifying information from this email and post it IF that’s OK with you. (i.e., if you see ANYTHING that even comes close to tying my blog post to you, PLEASE just email me and I will IMMEDIATELY delete it.)
Maybe it will be a small encouragement to another person too. Hope so. Thanks again for writing!