Hard Conversations
Take Your VitaminZ linked over to this article that had an interesting take on hard conversations:
I think it is particularly of interest to me this morning because I’ve been reflecting this week on various hard conversations that people have had with me over the years—some, redemptive. Some, condemning. But all, truly hard.
I’ve also had to initiate some hard conversations lately—so that’ll have you on your knees and shaking a bit in your Keds as it were.
And the leadership event I’m participating in next weekend down in SC will discuss redemptive confrontation / the “3rd G” – Gently Restore, so the topic is heavy on my heart these days.
I could say 100 things about hard conversations / redemptive confrontation, etc. But this morning, the one thought that keeps coming to my mind over and over again is this:
When I have been confronted by someone who is on the same level plane as me (not “on the pedestal” with me “in the pit”) …
When the person confronting me was careful and accurate and thoughtful in his or her words …
Whenever I have been confronted by someone who did not threaten to leave or reject me …
In those situations, hard and painful as they were, those conversations brought life to me.
And I will forever, forever, be grateful that those people loved me enough to tell me the truth.
Grace doesn’t always feel good in the moment. But I remain a grace junkie.
Blessings on your Friday!
I’m excited and a bit scared by the project I’m working on today while the girls enjoy a day with Mrs. G—
Tara B.