Every Dream Lost. Every Dream Fulfilled.
My morning walks with Lilikoi (in real life) and Rev. Dr. Ligon Duncan (via Ipod sermons) continue to be of tremendous help to me. I really credit my relative (for Tara!) emotional and spiritual stability this summer to the fresh air, physical activity, and time to contemplate Holy Scripture and God Himself uninterruptedly.
(Thanks for this gift, Fred! And thanks, too, to all of the husbands who take care of young children to give their wives similar BREAKS from the (wonderfully exhausting) constancy of taking care of little ones all day.)
Today’s sermon is not to be missed. Especially if you or someone you love is experiencing loss. To paraphrase Pastor Ligon:
Great loss. Unfulfilled dreams. Unsatisfied and unsatisfiable desires. Plans, yearnings, longings, hopes, treasures that you’ve never attained or that you’ve had taken away from you before your very eyes. Some unbearable. Some less so. What do we do with them? How do we respond?
What do we cry out through our blinding, hopeless tears? How do you respond to a life you’ve longed for slipping through your fingers before your very eyes?
Listen to God’s Word preached from 1 Kings 19:
Every Dream Lost. Every Dream Fulfilled.
My only complaint about this sermon is that 32 minutes is too short!
Be blessed, friends.
God knows best.
In Christ our Hope and Confidence,
Tara B.
(HT: PureChurch)