Superior Pleasures
I was blessed, and saddened, when Sophia (age 6) asked to talk with me last night about something that had been troubling her. It had to do with images in her head about people kissing “in a husband-wife way.” Oh! I was so grateful that she talks so openly with me about hard topics. But doubly-oh! I was sad that, even though we have been so careful about exposing our children to influences in our hyper-erotic society, apparently something had gotten into her precious little mind.
So we talked and prayed together. One of the things I asked her was whether she knew from where she had seen or learned of such things. (One of the reasons we are so extremely careful about what our children see is because I had been exposed to p*rnography at an extremely early age and had also seen very inappropriate images on television and in movies from a very early age, and I knew that those influences can really stay with a person throughout life.) Interestingly, all she could come up with was a movie poster she saw at a friend’s home where the “husband” was embracing the “wife” in that sort of “husband-wife” way. That made me happy (that she hadn’t been inadvertently exposed to something worse), and sad too (that even something so innocuous as an old movie poster could stick in her impressionable little mind).
Our talk ended well and we spent a long time just cuddling and reading books and being together. But it was a reminder to me of how important it is that I continue to pray for the purity of not only my two daughters, but also for their future husbands and their future children (Lord willing) too.
If you, or someone you love, is struggling with s*xual sin, I encourage you to read/watch the following resources:
Pleasures Superior to P*rnography
All of Tim Challies’ Blogs on P*rnography