Competing (and Contradictory?) Counsel
I’ve been reading a lot of books on complex subjects lately and one of the things that really annoys me is when people I respect disagree. I think this bothers me because I am just a lazy person who wants to be spoon-fed. “So-and-so says it. OK. Must be right.” I don’t want to have to actually study. Pray. Wrestle. Think.
Shame on me! This complex life requires prayerful thinking. I am to ask God for wisdom and seek wise counsel. I try to make the best decisions I can and then (this is ALSO hard for me!), I need to stop worrying/fretting/comparing myself to others once I act. Because there will always be someone who disagrees with my choice. Sometimes they will be kooky and not worthy of my concern. At other times, they will be godly, Spirit-filled, wise people. Those are the hard ones. Who am I to disagree with what SHE says?! Or what HE says?!
Answer: I am Tara. A 40 year-old woman who is striving to live a life of love, glorifying God and enjoying him forever. That’s my goal. I often fall short. But that’s my goal.
Thank God for grace!