Expecting Sin from our Children
I was still feeling as though I had been run over by a Mack truck, but I went to co-op anyway. I was SO longing to see our friends and I really missed our little faux-geography class. Plus, I get to do Resurrection Eggs with the kids and sing “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” for our three Easter co-ops, and I really love that. I especially enjoy seeing the children GROW as we discuss “Passion Week.” Oh! Their eyes were huge as they realized that Jesus’ friends fell asleep (and then fell asleep AGAIN) at his greatest hour of need. (So, by WHOM was Jesus betrayed and abandoned? Just his enemies? “No! Also his friends!” That’s right. How shocking! How sad! But oh, how we could all relate.)
We are all prone to selfishness and laziness and pride. Our friends are suffering and we sort of care, but rarely do we inconvenience ourselves over and over and OVER again to help. And yet, God’s grace is growing us up in Christ! And we are all maturing and being sanctified.
Along the way? We don’t give up on each other. We don’t say, “I can’t BELIEVE what your child did!” (shock! shock! shock!) Nope. Instead we say, “Oh yeah. My kid struggles with the same thing.” Or even, “Oh yeah. I struggle with the same thing. So how can I help? What can I do?”
We’re a wretched lot loved by a gracious and forgiving God! Every time a friend of mine is gracious and forgiving towards me (or my child) when our wretchedness comes spilling out? Well. Let’s just say that I am a grateful woman. And I pray that I will learn how to be an even more faithful, gracious friend in the coming years.
Thinking about Christ’s betrayal—
And looking forward with MUCH hope to the resurrection—
Tara B.