Giving Up Resentment for Gratitude
I just decided that I’m going to have to (temporarily) stop reading One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Life Fully Right Where You Are. My reasoning is two-fold:
A. It’s mascara-smearingly-embarrassing to cry this much in the Minneapolis airport; and
B. I’m grateful for this lovely Kindle. Truly I am! But. I need to write in the margins. I need to take notes. I need to process and whatever that little “menu” button might lead me to (“add a note or highlight”), it’s just not the same.
So I’m going to pause and jump back to my brain candy of Garlic & Saphires: The Secret Life of a Critic in Disguise. Or maybe I’ll just sit here and do nothing. That’s totally on my list of things I REALLY want to learn how to do one day …
Oh. And the title of this post was from one of the many quotes that I REALLY wanted to write down. With a pen:
“How do I give up resentment for gratitude, gnawing anger for spilling joy? Self-focus for God-communion?”
The start to the book hooked me, but now I really want to keep reading and see how this author articulates (and lives out!) the doctrine of suffering.
But I still think I’m going to wait until I get home. To my paper version of the book and the privacy of having a good ol’ sob with no one to observe me other than my sweet Golden and maybe my sweet husband. (Don’t want to trouble the kiddos too much.)
Thanks for the great book recommendation, K&A!
Sending you all love from MSP,
Tara B.