Paul Miller’s “A Praying Life” — FREE on Kindle right now
Thank you, Carolyn McCulley, for letting us know that Paul Miller’s (exceptionally good!) book, A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World is currently available for FREE on Kindle. So happy to have that e-copy to accompany my (very dog-eared, written-in-the-margins) paper copy.
There’s also another great Brian Croft (Practical Shepherding) post up right now:
What if I Have Conflict with my Spouse Sunday Morning Before Church?
And I’ve been meaning to mention to you how thoroughly I am being challenged by and learning from Tim Challies’ latest book:
The Next Story: Life and Faith After the Digital Explosion
I am reading it very slowly because I need to THINK (and honestly, PRAY) about what I’m reading. That’s always a great sign in a book, eh?
Thanks again for the private encouragements. No Suzy Spiritual fake Christian life on this blog, eh? Nope. None indeed.
Hope your Monday is going well! I’m reaching out for help and striving hard to not be ashamed at my need to do so. How proud I must be! I eagerly and easily want to be the person HELPING someone, but I am so slow to “burden” my (their lives are already so busy and full!) friends. What a dumb way to think about friends. Don’t worry. I’m repenting and changing and I’ve placed actual “Please help!” calls too. God’s grace is at work.
“For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God.” Job 19:25-26
Blessings and joy,
Tara B.