AmazingGrace360 — Whole Gospel. Whole Life. Whole World.
The registration deadline is coming up FAST for the AmazingGrace360 Conference. I hope that you are registered already! And that you’ll stop by the Peacemaker Ministries / Tara Barthel booth to say hello to my best bud, Samara, and to me too! 🙂
We will be giving away OVER $600 in FREE PEACEMAKING MATERIALS, so it’ll definitely be worth your time to pop by.
I’m still hoping to get to LiveBlog the plenary sessions (like I’ve done for other PCA and CCEF events. (I LOVE to LiveBlog events!) But we’ll have to see what my teaching schedule allows.
Last thing to mention—one of the AG360 main speakers, Nancy Guthrie, is ALSO a plenary speaker for the 2011 Peacemaker Ministries Conference: Hope in Brokenness. And Peacemakers just put up a great video a brief teaching by her. I encourage you to check it out:
2011 Conference – Nancy Guthrie from Peacemaker Ministries on Vimeo.
I’m praying daily for Mrs. Guthrie and hope you are too!
Happy Saturday,
Tara B.