Relaxing and Enjoying My (Now Complete)
Years ago, I read an article by Tim Challies entitled How to Organize a Personal Library.
I loved this article on many levels, but especially because it hit two of my favorite things in life: 1) Organizing; and 2) Books. I just love to make order out of chaos! And I really REALLY love books.
I started trying to work through our home library last summer, but only got up to our 795th book. This weekend, our entire family was a little under the weather, so we all just relaxed on Saturday and Sunday (after church). Some of us watched videos or read quietly. But I got to spend the entire time entering ALL of our books into Yup. ALL OF THEM. Mmmmmmmmmmm. I’m a happy, happy Tara.
If you’re a bibliophile like me and you’ve ever wondered if you could catalog all of your books, I just want to encourage you that you can do it! I just typed my books in by hand, but apparently you can even do it by scanning barcodes. Very cool.
Here are my final specs:
– Number of books: 2,200
– Height if stacked one on top of the other: 122.6 feet (only 28 feet shorter than the Statue of Liberty)
– Distance if all the pages in all the books were laid end-to-end: 25.36 miles.
Fun stuff! Now I just need to remember to add in any new books that we obtain and I’ll be set.
Hope your weekend was a blessed one too!
Your friend,
Tara B.