Redeeming Church Conflicts

Are You Ready to be a Leader?

I’m not familiar with this book (Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders), but even just the summary questions listed by Kevin DeYoung in a recent blog post are worth contemplating:

Are You Ready to be a Leader?

In reflecting on my own strengths and weaknesses, and in thinking (and praying!) about potential future leaders for our church’s women’s Bible study, I was particularly challenged by these:

2. Do you retain control of yourself when things go wrong? The leader who loses self-control in testing circumstances forfeits respect and loses influence. He must be calm in crisis and resilient in adversity and disappointment.

4. Can you handle criticism objectively and remain unmoved under it? Do you turn it to good account? The humble man can derive benefit from petty and even malicious criticism.

8. Can you accept opposition to your viewpoint or decision without considering it a personal affront and reacting accordingly? Leaders must expect opposition and should not be offended by it.

9. Do you find it easy to make and keep friends? Your circle of loyal friends is an index of the quality and extent of your leadership.


11. Do your subordinates appear at ease in your presence? A leader should give an impression of sympathetic understanding and friendliness that will put others at ease.

13. Do you possess tact? Can you anticipate the likely effect of a statement before you make it?

14. Do you nurse resentments, or do you readily forgive injuries done to you?

15. Are you reasonably optimistic? Pessimism is no asset to a leader.

18. Do you direct people or develop people?