LiveBlog of The 2016 Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference – General Session 2: Jen Wilkin – Living A Resurrection Life
Live Blog The 2016 Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference: Jen Wilkin – Living a Resurrection Life
LiveBlog of The 2016 Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference – General Session 1: Kathleen Nielson – Born Again to a Living Hope
Live Blog The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference: Kathleen Nielson – Born Again to a Living Hope
Surrounded by People yet Desperately Alone
What a joy it is to be included on the PCA Women’s blog, enCourage! I hope that you will check out my inaugural post there: Surrounded by People Yet Desperately Alone (And all of the other posts by wonderful writers such as Susan Hunt, Karen Hodge, Ellen Dykas, Courtney Doctor, Christina Fox, Melissa Kruger … and more!)
Teach Your Kids from Your Weaknesses! (Romans 12: Duty, Depravity, and Destiny …)
This morning, I told my girls THE Romans 12 story. Some of you have heard it. You know. That time when I was SO MAD that I ripped my Bible — WHILE sitting in my Director’s chair at The Institute for Christian Conciliation. My friend lovingly counseled me right into repentance and faith, basically by making me read Romans 12 out loud to her over the telephone. Yup. Not my best moment. But it sure has been LIFE CHANGING for me re: how God’s mercy calls me to respond when people treat me poorly. (Oh. And my kids LOVED this story. MAN! Do they pay attention when we teach from…
Help (and Biblical Hope!) for Churches in Conflict
Our family is celebrating the release of the second edition of “Redeeming Church Conflicts” by the wonderful Hendrickson Publishers! My sweet and silly daughters even held a little photo shoot in order to re-pose the picture we took when the first edition was released four years ago: Oh, how we pray that you, or someone you know who is facing the heart-breaking pain of church conflict, receives biblical, Christ-centered, imminently practical for real life HELP and HOPE. Sending my love and greetings from Dave, too! Your sister in Christ, Tara B. PS My coauthor on this project, David V. Edling, was the primary author of the PCA Book of Church Order Appendix on Biblical Conflict Resolution.…
Relational Wisdom – Ken Sande’s Endorsement of “Redeeming Church Conflicts”
Dream big. Work hard. Sacrifice. Be excellent. And then give it away! (HT: Joe Adams)
I love everything that I have ever read or seen by Carolyn McCulley and this video is no exception: If you have ever wondered why you are doing some “small ministry” in your daily life; or why you are working hard in secret; or whether any of it ever really matters, watch this video and be encouraged. It reminded me so much of a man I respect and value deeply, Joe Adams of Southside Fellowship. He is the only reason why Living the Gospel in Relationships actually exists. Like the hero in this video, he too is a tech geek, he has a passion for serving God’s people, and he is brilliant and…
Easter Makes Me Think of Death—But That’s OK
Our Easter this year will be a very strange one. Rather than church services and corporate hymns (“Christ has Arisen, Alleluia!” and “Christ the Lord is Risen Today!”), our family will be 50 feet under the ocean enjoying a strangely-timed (but I’m sure enjoyable) SCUBA trip. Still. It’s Easter Week. And that means I’ve been thinking through our Lord’s final steps on this planet. (Maundy Thursday wasn’t just a packing day to me.) And Easter, as always, will not only turn my heart towards the Triune God with my life-long desire to be with him, Easter will first turn my heart towards death. My heart grieves on Easter Day because it was…
2016 PCA Women’s Ministry Leadership Training LiveBlog #4: Abby Hutto – Show Me the Savior and Nothing Else
Live Blog 2016 PCA LT #4: Abby Hutto – Show Me the Savior and Nothing Else
2016 PCA Women’s Ministry Leadership Training LiveBlog #3: Susan Shepherd – Show Me the Savior in the Context of Gospel Friendships
Live Blog 2016 PCA LT #3: Susan Shepherd – Show Me the Savior in the Context of Gospel Friendships