Live Blog of 2015 PCA LT, Session #3: Pam Benton – Vitally Connected to Christ and His Church
Live Blog 2015 PCA LT #3: Pam Benton – Vitally Connected to Christ and His Church
Are you paralyzed because you don’t know how others will respond? You can’t see the future?
Wow. I really needed this today, Cap’n Dave. Thank you!
The moment I probably came within four feet of being a sex trafficked teenager …
Recently, my dear friend Ellen Dykas put up a link on Facebook that rocketed me back to the early 1980’s. The article she pointed to was all about how young women become sex trafficking victims and it specifically explained to the targeted way that pimps hunt for young girls at bus stations. Well. When I was a very young teenager. (Junior high? Maybe 13 or 14?) My mother put me on an overnight bus from Illinois to Arkansas and I have no doubt that, in addition to being molested by a dirty, disheveled, drunken man (whom I, in my naivete, just thought was being nice to me when he offered me food), I probably came within…
When (Differently) Gifted Pastors Destroy the Church (Rather than Build it Up)
Desperate for some biblical hope (which means I was desperate for Christ!), I sat and re-read through page after page of Dave Edling’s wise and pithy words over on our Redeeming Church Conflicts site. What a feast for the soul! Nothing like Truth to reorient the ol’ heart attitudes. This post is a particular favorite of mine, so I thought I’d re-share it here too: When (Differently) Gifted Pastors Destroy the Church (Rather than Build it Up) Dave’s observations as to the four main reasons why church conflicts often emerge due to the misuse of spiritual gifts is, I believe, spot-on. I hope that you will click through and read the entire post. And I…
Melissa Kruger — New (Highly Recommended!) Blog
I am so happy that Melissa Kruger is blogging! I have already learned so much from her and I am absolutely sure that her just-launched-this-week-blog will end up being one of my favorites. I encourage you to visit her at: Wit’s End — Having Nothing, Possessing Everything And also to read her books: The Envy of Eve – Finding Contentment in a Covetous World and Walking with God in the Seasons of Motherhood. In addition to being a wise, biblically-sound woman, she is also extraordinarily humble, encouraging, and kind. I have no doubt that you will find her to be as delightful (and witty! the title of her blog notwithstanding) as I have. Oh!…
- Hope in Suffering, How to Love a Mentally Ill Addict, Peace Amidst Holiday Strife, Surviving a Childhood of Neglect and Abuse
I have always admired and enjoyed Dr. Dan Doriani. But I didn’t know this part of his life story until I read it on the Gospel Coalition’s website this past week. This is worth the read, my friends: Home for the Holidays When Home Isn’t Safe (Part 1)
Forgiveness is at the Heart of Every Redemptive Encounter in the Church
Thanks, Dave! I needed this today. (From our Redeeming Church Conflicts site …) Forgiveness is at the Heart of Every Redemptive Encounter in the Church by David V. Edling In prior posts we have noted the distinctions drawn by the Scriptures between the wisdom of this world and the wisdom that comes down from heaven. James 3:13 through 18 is one place where we see that distinction being drawn: Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about…
Paige Benton Brown Giveaways!
Apparently there are quite a few of you (like me!) who think that Paige Benton Brown is phenomenally gifted as a Bible teacher. (I know this because her name is constantly in my list of top-ten searches on this blog.) But have you found it hard to locate her resources online? I know I have. Therefore, as my little Christmas gift to us all, I’ve decided to compile as many Paige Benton Brown links as I can to hopefully make it a little easier on us all to be edified by her wonderful teachings and writings. Hope these are a blessing to you! (And just in case you ever see this—HIGHLY DOUBTFUL!—Thanks, Paige, for…
- Child Protection / Abuse in the Church, Hope in Suffering, Surviving a Childhood of Neglect and Abuse, Trauma Recovery
On Being Assaulted
If you have ever read my “Child Protection First / Abuse in the Church” posts, then you know that I have strong convictions about our duties to keep our children as safe as possible. Some of this is based on the sad reality of my childhood (“I Do Not Have One Childhood Memory Apart from P*rnography”). Some of this is based on the fact that when I oversaw all of the Christian conciliation cases and church/organizational conflicts at Peacemaker Ministries, I learned that far, far too many churches are far, far too trusting when it comes to nursery workers and youth volunteers (“Are you still closing your eyes to the real risk of child…
Sin Scatters Thoughts of Consolation
“Sin takes away all sense of the privilege of our adoption; and if the soul begins to