If you only read one book in 2018 (besides the Bible), read this one!
A few months ago, I mentioned to a friend how wonderfully, biblically, rich, Christ-exalting, and helpful one of my currently-being-read-books was. (I’m one of those people who usually has a PILE O’ BOOKS surrounding me, on every level, all the time.) I told her that this might actually be one of my favorite books of all time (!!) and I was super excited to describe it to her. But then I told her the name of the book. Uh-oh. She was not impressed: Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church: A Guide for Ministry This dear, amazing woman. A hero of the faith in my book. One of the finest churchmen, bible teachers,…
The Most Important Thing We Will Give Our Children During These Growing Up Years
I had SUCH a strong inclination to just pull the covers up over my head this morning and HIDE AWAY from all of my duties. It was just one of those Mondays. But then I put one foot in front of the other and tried to enjoy each task. Starting with an extra long cuddle/visit time with Sophia. There’s just something so sweet about those early morning hours when everyone else is asleep and we can talk nose-to-nose under the covers. I was also truly blessed and encouraged when a good friend emailed me about something I need to pick up at her home today. Rather than just coordinating times,…
Loving Well Even if You Haven’t Been
Every Christmas, Fred surprises me with at least one book. Usually it’s theology, philosophy, or history … but always, it’s one of my favorite parts of Christmas. This year, in addition to indulging in his gift of a new book, I am also going to re-read a title from five years ago: Loving Well Even if You Haven’t Been (by William P. Smith) I was honored to review and recommend Pastor Smith’s book when it came out in 2012. And as I pray for so many people who are hurting right now because of specific, loveless ways that certain Christians are acting towards them, I highly recommend this book in 2017 too.…
“Don’t worry, Mom. The pastors will come.”
I just arrived in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania after a long day of travel from Montana. Some minor hiccups along the way (including a sincere PTSD reaction to sitting in the same row of a 757 that I was sitting in back in January when the overhead bin popped open—twice!—and heavy bags dropped on my head both times). But all things considered, it was an uneventful day. Most things went just fine. But one thing was remarkably, beautifully, so precious and good. It actually started a little scarily for me … When I picked up a voicemail during my airport sprint in Detroit, I heard a man’s voice introducing himself as the pastor…
Tiger Mother Moment
I’m assuming that most of you have already read the Wall Street Journal “Tiger Mother” Article. If not, you might want to pop over and give it a glance. This woman says some amazing things and you’ll probably have a strong reaction to much of what she writes. (And if you’re really curious, you can read thousands of comments and responses to it, including In Defense of the Guilty, Ambivalent, Preoccupied Western Mom.) In light of the millions of words you can already read analyzing the strengths and weaknesses and theologically-errant and behaviorally-questionable aspects of “the tiger mother”, I’m not going to even dip my toe into that water beyond…
A true sign of spiritual sickness is a false peace while indulging in sin …
I once heard an excellent sermon that had two main points: “The War Within” and “Living by the Spirit Within.” It was a long sermon, but here are a few of my notes: – The most frequent question that most pastors hear is, “If I am saved, then why do I continue to sin?! Am I even a Christian?” My pastor always replies, “The fact that you are even asking the question is very strong evidence that, yes, you are a Believer because spiritually dead people don’t struggle.” Unbelievers don’t care if they’ve grieved God. They don’t even recognize the battle. A greater concern, a true sign of spiritual sickness, is…
Just Tell Them You’re Not a Christian. Nothing is Worth Dying For.
If you have ever listened to my testimony, you know that when God saved me way back in 1984 (my freshman year of high school), I was a bonafide Christian jerk. Yes, I had heard the distinct call of salvation by faith alone in Christ alone. Yes, I wanted to be forgiven all my sins; have a new heart; be the daughter of God, etc. That was all fine and well and remains the defining moment of my life and the most important thing to me, bar none. But, unfortunately, along with the true gospel, I also heard the distinct call to be a “good person” and I tried, in…
Before You Criticize the Leaders, Besmirch the Fellowship, and Stomp Out of A Church …
As a Christian mediator who works in conflicted churches, it is a normal thing for me to spend hours with people who are disgruntled with their church leadership and members. I’ve listened to furious people and heart-broken people. I’ve taken notes as people shared off of the tops of their heads stories of deep pain and suffering in the church, and I’ve sat, slightly amazed, as church members handed me copies of pages and pages of (dated) notes listing out every single thing wrong with their church. Thinking about these experiences, and mulling over just how easy it can be for us to only share our criticisms and complaints with our church leaders, I…
Comparisons (Holiday Misery Part 1)
On my walk this morning, I seriously contemplated trying to be a real blogger and start this post with some sort of official, “This is the first part of a six part series on how to not be miserable during the holidays” announcement. But that would mean that I have to scope out an actual plan for these posts and I don’t see that happening any time soon. So instead of being a super organized with-it blogger, I’m just going to jump in with a few reflections on why, it seems to me, so many of us can be tempted to misery during the holiday season. (And, of course, some…
Childhood Memories–Both Good and Bad (Holiday Misery Part 2)
This entry is part 2 of my new blog series on things that tempt us to be miserable during the holidays. I’ll start with a quick recap of what we’ve covered so far and then jump into today’s topic. 1. Comparisons: We live in a world of competition and performance, even (tragically) in the church. No one wants to look ugly, sound stupid, or be a relational flop … It doesn’t matter how much we have or what blessings our lives contain. If we do not guard our hearts, the holidays will tempt us to compare ourselves with others and focus on what we perceive as the lack. But it doesn’t have to…