
Beach Day 2010

Well. WHEW! Another “Beach Day” at co-op has come and gone and I’m so grateful that we made through all of the activities and festivities with only a tiny bit of tears (during the “SCUBA diving” adventure) and NO bandaids required. Hooray!

I still think I am pretty much the least qualified to ever try to corral small children and have fun. But like so many opportunities to serve in the church, we just do our best, and have to entrust the rest to the Lord. I think that overall the kids had fun, so that’s great:

One of the moms made DELISH yogurt-banana-frozen-treat-thingies and another made TURTLE-shaped jello jigglers for our snack:

(Moms are so cool!) And overall, I think it was a “successful” day.


I did have to apologize to one mom when I snapped at her for, you know, NO REASON. She was very gracious and quick to forgive me. But I still cringe when I think of how prone I am to anxiety related to these types of things. It was as though my fears just gripped me and in one dumb moment, they spilled out.

Guess that’s why we’re doing Ed Welch’s “Running Scared: Fear, Worry and the God of Rest” for our summer women’s study. I obviously need a LOT of work in this area.

How grateful I am for sisters in Christ who forgive and persevere and love.

Hope your day was a blessed one, too!

Tara B.