But I’ve already TRIED that and it DOESN’T WORK!
Pastor Anyabwile linked over to a great article by John Piper and I encourage you to check it out:
What to Say to the Depressed, Doubting, Skeptical, Confused, and Angry
I’ll tempt you with just a snippet:
“If you care about people and risk talking to the depressed, the doubting, the skeptical, the confused, and the angry, you will soon run into a person who says to your counsel: I’ve tried that. Whatever you say, they will minimize it and say it doesn’t work. Do not be surprised at this response. This is what it means to be depressed, doubting, skeptical, confused, angry. It means that whatever they hear sounds useless.
So I want to offer some suggestions for what you say in a conversation that is about to be cut off like that.”
As someone who has often been on the receiving end of such wise counsel, and someone who hopefully gives such counsel and love too, I encourage you to take a few minutes and give it a read.
Soph’s fever keeps going back over 104 (!!) but it responds well to medicine and cold cloths and she’s keeping liquids down — so I’m teetering on the edge of that “when do I take her to the doctor” momma-question-for-the-ages.
Hope your Monday is a blessed one!
Tara B.