Calvinists & Controversy (HT: Ligon Duncan)
Couldn’t get back to sleep after 3AM or so. Fred is restless with his fever/getting meds. And I have way too much swimming through my brain re: my workshops for next weekend.
Mostly, I’m wondering WHY, O WHY I ever consented to teaching so many! A) I can’t believe I really have anything that interesting/helpful to say; and B) I’m old and tired! 🙂 Please remind me next year–if I receive the privilege of an opportunity to serve again–to only teach, you know, ONE workshop. Or maybe two. BUT NOT FIVE.
Anyway … one of them is on relationships among women especially when we disagree on important topics–and around 5AM this morning, I was blessed to read a great John Newton quote on Calvinists & Controversy that Dr. Ligon Duncan posted over at Reformation21:
“Of all people who engage in controversy, we, who are called Calvinists, are most expressly bound by our own principles to the exercise of gentleness and moderation. If, indeed, they who differ from us have a power of changing themselves, if they can open their own eyes, and soften their own hearts, then we might with less inconsistency be offended at their obstinacy: but if we believe the very contrary to this, our part is, not to strive, but in meekness to instruct those who oppose. “If peradventure God will give them repentance to the acknowledgment of the truth.” If you write with a desire of being an instrument of correcting mistakes, you will of course be cautious of laying stumbling blocks in the way of the blind or of using any expressions that may exasperate their passions, confirm them in their principles, and thereby make their conviction, humanly speaking, more impracticable.”
Praying that I will exercise gentleness and moderation! With meekness. Especially when it comes to controversial topics. Especially re: relationships with other Christian women (which still don’t come all that easy to me.)
OK. Back to work. I bet the family will start to stir in the next couple or hours or so.
Happy Sunday!
— Tara B.