Cannot Wait for This Book to be Released: “Loving Well (Even If You Haven’t Been)” by William P. Smith
I just finished a remarkable book. I wish I could link to pre-orders on Amazon for you (I would be pre-ordering one myself!), but I guess they don’t have it there yet.
This is a great book. This might be the best contemporary book on relationships I have ever read. (My long-time blog readers will know that’s really saying something because they’ve listened to me gush repeatedly over books like How People Change and The Peacemaking Pastor—which has to be the worst titled book ever. It it SO incredibly wonderful! And should be titled something like, “Authentic Gospel Relationships in the Body of Christ” with the subtitle, “Every Christian Needs to Read This Book!” 🙂 )
Pay attention in 2012 and run, don’t walk, to buy Pastor William P. Smith’s book, “Loving Well (Even If You Haven’t Been)”. Here is the endorsement I just sent his publisher:
“Soaked in Scripture and solidly biblical in all of its counsel, this wonderful book by a seasoned pastor and Christian counselor provides practical, Christ-centered guidance for growing authentic, vulnerable, and loving relationships. This is true regardless of our upbringing and regardless of how others treat us today. This is true no matter what our personality type or how weak we naturally are regarding relationships. By exegeting both Scripture and people, Pastor Smith humbly shows us that God is a loving God Who graciously enables us to love one another. I highly recommend this book and I look very forward to studying it in depth and repeatedly in the coming years.” Tara Barthel, author of Living the Gospel in Relationships and coauthor of Peacemaking Women and Redeeming Church Conflicts.
Thank you, Pastor Smith! And thank you, New Growth Press, for this important, readable, wonderful book.
Your friend,
Tara B.
When I was looking up whether I should say “in-depth” or “in depth”, I learned the best phrase:
You can make an ‘in-depth’ study of a subject by studying it ‘in depth,’ but never ‘indepth.’