Hope in Suffering
So Hard to Believe Because it is So Hard to Obey
While visiting with a friend recently, I was struck again at how important it is that we encourage one another with testimonies of God’s grace at work in our lives and the lives of people around us. As she said at one point during our conversation about biblical peacemaking, “It can, at times, be hard to believe that these peacemaking principles work in real life because it’s so rare to hear of people ACTUALLY persevering in relationship, doing the hard work of listening, discussing, confronting, repenting, confessing, and truly forgiving.” How right she is. I think this is one of the reasons why I find it particularly distasteful when someone…
Ed Welch: “I Can Help You in Six Words.”
I have to admit, when I first started this article (I Can Help You in Six Words), all I could think about was that old t.v. show, Name That Tune. Do you remember it? “I can name that tune in 3 notes!” “Well, I can name that tune in 2 notes!” “I can help you in SIX words!” “Well, can help you in FIVE words.” But even as I inwardly chuckled at my 1970’s memory, I knew I was in for a great read because a) Ed Welch is a great man and a great author (still currently my favorite contemporary author even though Kevin DeYoung is gaining on him…
Holy Groans
Yet another reason why this is the only daily e-devotional to which I subscribe: Holy Groans Thank you, RZIM and Rachel Tulloch.
Pleasant Places & A Beautiful Inheritance
We are only into week two of our fall women’s study on the Psalms, but already I’ve been tremendously blessed. This week we are studying Psalm 16. Reading it (slowly) and then re-reading it multiple times was a true balm to my soul: “Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.’ As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight. The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply; their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out or take…
Comforting Others — First, Do No Harm
Carolyn McCulley has a number of great reads currently up on her blog. This one was my favorite—for many reasons, but especially for the quote she gave from one of her pastors. He said it the Sunday morning after his new born son died after only four hours of life: Comforting Others “When you suffer, you often suffer doubly because of the dumb things people say.” How true this! She also quoted a different pastor who was counseling one of her friends whose husband had just committed suicide: “Prepare for incredibly insensitive questions–you will be required to grow in graciousness like you never thought you would.” Don’t those two pieces…
Every Dream Lost. Every Dream Fulfilled.
My morning walks with Lilikoi (in real life) and Rev. Dr. Ligon Duncan (via Ipod sermons) continue to be of tremendous help to me. I really credit my relative (for Tara!) emotional and spiritual stability this summer to the fresh air, physical activity, and time to contemplate Holy Scripture and God Himself uninterruptedly. (Thanks for this gift, Fred! And thanks, too, to all of the husbands who take care of young children to give their wives similar BREAKS from the (wonderfully exhausting) constancy of taking care of little ones all day.) Today’s sermon is not to be missed. Especially if you or someone you love is experiencing loss. To paraphrase…
Children with Special Needs
Thanks yet again to Challies.com for introducing me to the Elisha Foundation (“providing refreshment and encouragement to families caring for people with special needs”): And for reminding me to pray for our own denomination’s similar ministry—The MNA Special Needs Ministry. Please do consider introducing these resources to your church. And if you are in the PCA, I strongly urge you to ask your leaders to financially support our MNA Special Needs Ministry. Thanks, friends! — Tara B.
Fearful Saints Fresh Courage Take
God Moves in a Mysterious Way (William Cowper) God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants His footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill He treasures up His bright designs, And works His sovereign will. Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take, The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust Him for His grace; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste,…
Adult Children Who Appear Spiritually Dead
I know that one of the greatest griefs a person can bear is the knowledge that his or her beloved adult child is not walking with the Lord in daily, saving faith. This article by Pastor Anyabwile is a great encouragement to all of us, but particularly for parents of wayward children: God the Holy Spirit’s Use of a Choice Word
Precious Beyond Words
To look on her face is to see beauty, is it not? Even in suffering. Sono Sato Harris: Precious Beyond Words