Hope in Suffering

  • Hope in Suffering

    Unspeakable Loss and Divine Holiness (HT: Bruce Clark)

    We were blessed to have Bruce Clark preach from chapters 4 and 5 of Revelation this morning. The title of his sermon was:‘And I Began to Weep Loudly’: Unspeakable Loss and Divine Holiness. I was encouraged, challenged, and edified by his entire sermon, but in particular I wanted to tell you just a few of the points he made: – John’s readers had all experienced profound LOSS in at least two forms: suffering and seduction. So how do you keep going when you keep experiencing loss and you keep failing over and over (and over!) again? – The answer to our temptation to despair is NOT an apologetic, cultural critique,…

  • Hope in Suffering

    Let Not Your Heart be Troubled (HT: Jill Carratini)

    Jill Carratini continues to be my favorite author in my favorite daily e-devotional: Ravi Zacharias’s “Slice of Infinity”. She is a careful thinker, a lover of God, and a profoundly gifted writer. I urge you to read her recent essay, Let Not Your Hearts be Troubled. Let me tempt you with a mere snippet: “The 1905 hymn “His Eye is on the Sparrow” is one that has captured the hearts of many, reminding with simple assurance that we are not forgotten, nor alone … The hymn is a poignant reminder that though we will find discouragement and loneliness, we were not intended to; and though we sometimes labor to find…

  • Hope in Suffering

    Suffering is a Normal Part of Christianity

    I’m reading old blog posts trying to find some citations and examples. (Man! Am I a SINNER or WHAT? Nothing like reading old posts to remind me of THAT. Good thing God is SO forgiving!) ANYWAY, I read an old post where I quoted Ajith Fernando and I wanted to commend his essay to you again. Here is just an excerpt to tempt you to read the entire post:   “Suffering with Christ is a normal part of Christianity and we must never make a big deal about this or be angry when we face it. In the ministry we constantly face inconvenience, tiredness, shame, slander, persecution, sorrow, disappointment and…

  • Hope in Suffering

    We do not grieve alone …

    Jill Carratini continues to be my all-time favorite writer/apologist over at Ravi Zacharias Ministries (well, except for Dr. Zacharias himself–it is always a joy to read his contributions too!). Their Slice of Infinity daily e-devotional continues to be the only one I read each day. (Who has time to read e-devotionals? Not me! But I MAKE time for this one.) I hope that you will read: A Man of Sorrows To tempt you with just an excerpt: “There is, for me, immense comfort in a Christ who was not always smiling. As I picture his face set as flint toward Jerusalem, my fear is unfastened by his fortitude. As I…

  • Hope in Suffering

    Gospel and Injustice (HT: Pastor Anyabwile)

    Oh my STARS, but I just read one of the finest essays on INJUSTICE and THE GOSPEL that I have ever read: Gospel and Injustice (by Pastor Anyabwile) Please don’t miss it. Let me tempt you with just a brief excerpt: “Examples of injustice abound. From the unkind word spoken to someone made in the image of God (Jam. 3:9) to prejudices and biases against people of a particular gender, ethnicity, or social standing (Jam. 2:1-4) to abuse and murder. Spending any amount of time contemplating the sheer amount of injustice in the world easily overwhelms us. In this world, injustice is intractable … But neither injustice nor the resulting…

  • Hope in Suffering

    Must read. And watch.

    Another absolute must read (and WATCH! don’t skip the video!) over at RadicalWomanhood. The post quotes Sara Groves after a recent trip to Rwanda: “I found myself asking, ‘How have I applied this idea?’ I had groomed and groomed and groomed my personal faith, but to what end?’ Good question.   I think I’m going to learn more about this musician. (Do you already know her music?) Blessed Monday to you all– Tara B.  

  • Hope in Suffering

    How do you respond?

    I’m wondering how you all respond to panhandlers and beggars? Particularly, how do you talk with your children about these people in great need? I think I need to do some study because I’m feeling a little shook after something that happened today … I received a personal letter (two pages, written in pencil) from someone in Kenya who is in great need. Apparently, he had read an article I wrote in a Christian magazine, found my address, and wrote to beg for money for food, water, and shelter. Yes, I know it could be an elaborate scam. In fact, that was my first thought. I pictured a horrible scene…

  • Hope in Suffering

    Pain Does Its Work (HT: Ajith Fernando!)

    I believe that I may have already posted this (in 2005?) … but it’s been awhile, so I hope this blesses you! Boy! This life is truly “nothing but a constant death.” Thank God for theologian and Youth for Christ missionary, Ajith Fernando! And his wisdom that points us to Christ. Blessed, blessed Sabbath to you all! It’s 1:20AM (Chicago-time) and I’m headed to bed. Well, soon, I hope to be headed to bed. Love and blessings! And enjoy– (HT, Ajith!) Yours, Tara B. PAIN DOES ITS WORK, AND GRACE TAKES OVER Written by Ajith Fernando while traveling abroad I left home on a trip abroad feeling very discouraged and…