Redemptive Relationships
Grace-driven acceptance of a person does not mean open-ended availability …
I read a lot when I am in a season of insomnia (like right now). I try to pray, too. And sometimes I even exercise! But mostly, I read. Old stuff, new stuff; happy stuff, blue stuff. OK. Not really blue stuff—but exhaustion also makes me punchy, so sometimes the silliness comes out in Seussian rhymes. And gaffes. (Like last night when I was looking up a friend’s address to send his wife and him a card and I accidentally Facetimed him at 3AM! Poor guy. But also a nice guy—he just laughed it off and told me he prayed for our family as he rolled over and went back to…
When Trust is Gone
This past weekend, the Lord granted me a sweet insight into my troubled heart. After spending time with a remarkable family where I felt completely safe, wanted, and actually even loved, I realized a shocking truth: I had stopped trusting people. I could hardly believe it, but as soon as the Lord revealed it to me, I knew it was true … deep down, the my heart of hearts, I did not believe that anyone (anyone!) was really trustworthy. I had stopped trusting people. I came to this insight when I was in an airport, talking to my husband on the cell phone. Fred wisely responded, “Of course, Tara, the…
The Pinnacle of Christian Obedience
Today I was humbled yet again by my friend, Samara. Not many people know her because she is a quiet woman who never draws attention to herself and rarely speaks up in a crowd. But oh! If you take the time to just be quiet in her presence and listen to her, you stumble onto a radiant treasure. I love being around her. I love spending time with her adorable daughter. She is a creative, godly, happy woman. But today? Today I saw again the depth of her godliness. Attacked this week, yet again, by a selfish and immature–arguably mentally ill–person, Samara responded day after day with genuine humility and…