Relationships & Peacemaking

Chesed and Emet

I love this classic article by David Powlison, not just for its application to marriage, but for its wisdom re: all relationships:

Renewing Intimacy: Closing the Gap between You and Your Spouse

This is my favorite paragraph:

“In the Old Testament two Hebrew words are often used to describe God: chesed and emet. Chesed is translated in the Old Testament as ‘lovingkindness,’ or ‘steadfast love.’ It means committed kindness, a chosen generosity, a resolution to do good to another person no matter what. Emet is translated as ‘faithfulness’ or ‘truth.’ When we say of someone, ‘She was a true friend,’ we’re using the word ‘true’ in the sense that the Bible uses the word emet. It’s someone who’s looking out for your well-being, who is genuinely concerned for your welfare (see Philippians 2:20). God is full of chesed and emet—steadfast love and faithfulness—toward you.”