Deleted Post
Just a quick note to let “dismayed” know that I have deleted the post from 2006 that motivated his or her criticisms this morning.
I stand behind the theology of what I said in the post (I truly believe that God is sovereign, even—especially—over our worst suffering.)
However, I also believe that the criticisms are warranted in that, like so many things on the internet, it was not possible to understand my tone by reading solely this one post. If you don’t know me or regularly read my blog, I guess you could presume to know that I am “flippant” and “not sensitive”.
I thought about trying to re-write the post to be more careful, but it seemed best to just delete it. And so I did.
Hope your Saturday is a blessed one—
Tara B.
After two and a half HOURS of wrestling with my ancient laptop and clunky ol’ blog software (and a nice ol’ fight w/Freddy that we’re still in the middle of), I still haven’t been able pull down the post. I think my computer is about to crash—so before I get the blue screen of death, I should clarify this post to say that I am TRYING to pull down the post from 2006 and hopefully I’ll have that done before, you know, noon.
Hey! It was Fight 37. Of course.
– Fred: “I need to update your blog software …”
– I hear: “He’s going to take care of this soon.”
– Fred thinks, “I need to get to that one of these days / months / years.”
Thankfully we’ve worked through it and he figured out a technie way to delete the post. Whew! Only three hours later …
Off into our Saturday now. Blessings to you all! — tkb