Desperation is the Beginning of God’s Power
I guess I must be being very transparent on this blog about my exhaustion level (and/or the people who are actually talking with me and seeing me in real life are just OBSERVING my exhaustion level), because yesterday I received two encouraging notes from friends I just wanted to share portions with you. You know. Just in case any of YOU are also facing tasks that are WAY beyond your abilities today too.
Ken Sande used to say, “The day you feel ready to step into that mediation room is the day that you should stop being a mediator.” Of course, we prep. Boy do we prep. And we pray! Pray pray pray! But our fitness? It is simply “to feel our need of Him.”
Here are brief excerpts from what my friends wrote:
1) Tara, dear friend – you’re in my thoughts and prayers as you speak at this retreat. I know you are exhausted, depleted physically and mentally…which will make it challenging to present your new material. As I was thinking about you and praying, a couple of things came to mind:
“Taste and see the Lord is good.
He will satisfy the soul.
Empty, broken, He will feed,
When we see it’s Him we need …
You have not chosen many wise,
You have not chosen many strong
You take the weakest ones in this world,
That You may show Your grace and glory.“
You are tired – but your mighty God and heavenly Father never grows tired or weary.
You feel weak – but your mighty God and heavenly Father is strong.
God is good – that is His character.
God is faithful – that is His character.
And His Word never returns void, but accomplishes His purposes.
2) “Desperate days are the stepping stones in the path of light. They are God’s oppurtunity and man’s school of wisdom. Desperation is better than despair. Desperation is the beginning of God’s power. Desperation WITH faith (like Gethsemane) holds on and prevails”
“Thank you, God, that you are even now using all of the circumstances that you have allowed to cause Tara to be able to say boldly and authentically to these people, “Fear not! Your God is with you! He never leaves you!” I pray that you would so drive these truths deep into her own heart and overwhelm with a sense of peace, relief and security that leaves her confident in You, and strongly reliant upon your wisdom and strength as she serves. Thank you that you have a definite plan to speak to your people at this retreat! Thank you that you delight to speak to your people! And thank you that you give us the privilege of being your conduits of the message. Thank you that it is your PLAN to speak your PERFECT message through IMPERFECT people.
You teach us as we teach! You train us as we train! You call forth faith in us as we call people to faith! You cause us to cling as we call others to cling to you! We are weak. We can do nothing apart from you! We fight for the faith to truly believe that you give us what we need when you call us to what you will! We are so prone to self-reliance! Forgive us. Our fears and our anxieties betray us. We want to believe you! We do believe you, but Lord, please help our unbelief! … Change hearts this weekend, cause people to SEE you and to treasure you! May the gospel change hearts and thoughts and behaviors and bear rich fruit! And may you do all of this through Tara and through the Body of Christ that she will be with! We anticipate and pray in faith for GREAT things to be accomplished through your gospel! In Jesus name—“
Amen and Amen!
Will report in when I come up for air—maybe Saturday night or Sunday.
Hope you have a great day!
Tara B.