Don Carson: Preserving the Gospel (The Gospel Coalition National Women’s Conference LiveBlog)
To read the near-transcription of Dr. Carson’s Pre-Conference Seminar, just click “Replay” below.
The actual LiveBlog replay above has over 3,500 words in it, so I won’t even attempt to restate the entirety of this teaching. However, here are just a few points that will hopefully whet your appetite and encourage you to read the entire entry:
- The gospel is not merely a corpus of beliefs; it is the news of what God has done; but it is so transformative that people are different; reconciled to God; born anew; born from above; character changes; direction changes.
- If I’ve learned anything after 40 years of preaching and teaching, it’s that most people don’t learn what I teach them; they learn what I’m excited about.
- How will your present life look 50 billion years from now?
- Biblically speaking, suffering for the sake of Christ is considered normal in the New Testament.
- Disgrace for the sake of Christ’s name is a privilege.