Earning and effort are not the same thing …
I read a great quote on the “gospel driven church” blog and thought you might enjoy it too (the emphasis is mine):
“Currently we are not only saved by grace; we are paralyzed by it. There is deep confusion. We find it hard to see that grace is not opposed to effort, but is opposed to earning. Earning and effort are not the same thing. Earning is an attitude, and grace is definitely opposed to that. But it is not opposed to effort. When you see a person who has been caught on fire by grace, you are apt to see some of the most astonishing efforts you can imagine (1 Corinthians 15:10).” Dallas Willard, The Great Omission: Reclaiming Jesus’ Essential Teachings on Discipleship
This quote made me think of my pastor’s little (but profound) booklet on faith’s fight against sin.
AND I’ve also been wondering what books you all might recommend on free will … I think (I know!) I have a LOT to learn on this important topic.
(Sometimes I wonder if those of us in reformed denominations sometimes over-emphasize God’s sovereignty to the detriment of also taking seriously the Scriptures on our responsibility. It’s a mystery to be sure–how God is completely sovereign and we also have free will–but it’s Truth. And I am convinced I need to strengthen my understanding of these important doctrines.)
Anyway …
Our little Pre-K class yesterday was a TOTAL JOY from my perspective. I can’t believe I get to spend time with those precious children! They are so wonderful–and funny. And such wretched little sinners too … Oh, I just love them so much.
We did a little Bible and catechism. And we listed to some SUPER-COOL bluegrass music and danced around while playing instruments. We colored our notebook covers (fun!) and then they set a FORMAL table for our snack-time. (Tablecloth, linen napkins, real glass glasses and plates, silverware with REAL knives … I figured even if we just eat some popcorn, snack-time is a great time to learn how to set a table and then practice table manners/conversation/serving one another. You should’ve seen them so politely eating their popcorn! It was ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE.) Then we cleaned up together, read a book, and class was over.
Can you believe it?
Working with a room filled with small children?
(This is truly the LAST thing I could imagine me doing–well, maybe working a meat-packing plant or driving long-distance in a big truck are like the ABSOLUTE LAST two things I could ever imagine doing. THEN working with small children … running a tight third. How funny that God moves in such mysterious ways! 🙂 )
Blessed, wonderful & wonder-filled Wednesday to you, my friends!
Please don’t give up on the relationships in your lives–
Love matters to God, so it matters to us too, right?
Tara B.