Flying to Michigan Tomorrow—Would Appreciate Your Prayers
In just a few months, my mother’s heart failure has gone from a 25% to a 15% ejection fraction. This is “severe decrease” in heart functioning and she is suffering all of the standard results: shortness of breath, cardiac edema (build up of fluids), and extreme fatigue. She is also experiencing cardiac arrhythmia and was hospitalized this weekend so that she can have some procedures done beginning tomorrow morning (Monday morning).
Thanks to the amazing generosity of my sister and her Fred (who are paying for my ticket) and my dear friends (who are helping with childcare for Sophia & Ella), I am going to fly out tomorrow to hopefully serve my mom and stepdad as they navigate these medical decisions. I want to get their home cleaned, linens washed, shopping done, etc. to take some of the load off of my (81 year old) stepfather, Charlie. And I hope I can be a blessing by being at the hospital for those super early doctor rounds, taking all sorts of careful notes to keep everyone updated, and also helping to set up home healthcare / hospice / future care, etc.
It is not easy to leave Fred and the girls. But we’re all convinced it is the right thing to do and I’m so grateful to have the ability to do it.
Please pray for my mother, Kathy, for her salvation and for the alleviation of her physical suffering. From everything I’ve read, dying of heart failure is a frightening way to go and I am truly praying for her great peace and deliverance from pain as much as possible.
Thanks, friends!
Tara B.
Cheryl Witucke
Dear Tara,
I am so sorry to hear about your mother. I will pray that God will intervene and give you opportunity to share the love and comfort of God during your visit. I also wanted to say that while every situation is most assuredly different., my mother passed away two and a half years ago (from congestive heart failure) and it was a very peaceful passing. May God be with you and your mom and step dad during this time!
Praying for you, Tara. Thanks so much for serving us so well at choir right before you had to leave!
praying, Tara. Thank you for your attitude of service.
Praying for you as you serve…praying for your family…and praying that this will be a key week in the life of your Mom, Charlie, and you.
Praying for you and your family, Tara.
I will be continuing to pray for you and especially your mother and step-father at this time.
Watching our parents age is one of the hardest things we face in this life. I will be praying that God will give you quality time with your mom and opportunity to speak the gospel to her. May you be the hands and feet of Christ and I pray that your mom will see Jesus in you.
Thank you thank you thank you! I am so grateful for your kind words and your prayers too.
Much love,
Tara B.