Free Picaboo Book (HT: MommyLife)
If you’ve ever wanted to try electronic “scrapbooking” (please excuse me if you’re a REAL scrapbooker and thus, that term is offensive/annoying to you) … now is the time! just posted a coupon for a FREE BOOK! Just like you can’t get any more powerless than DEAD (ahhhhh, the doctrine of total depravity is not just an interesting idea) … you can’t get better than FREE when it comes to trying something new in the
“I’d like to make something that captures our family’s year but I don’t have weeks and weeks of time or zillions of dollars PLUS I’m just not crafty so I’m never going to cut out little pieces or perfectly-matched paper or buy scissors that cut cute squiggly lines”
Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE LOVE LOVE you real artist scrapbookers you. (Hi Anita!) And I keep all of your Christmas cards (do you start the day after Christmas and spend an entire YEAR making them? Kinda like the Rose Bowl?) (Hi again, Anita!!)
But it’s just not my gig.
I like to keep my photos and movies organized by month. And once a year, I like to push hard over one weekend and drop them into a book. Send links to my family. Print a free second copy for the kids to play with. And Voila! One annual Barthel family book that we can all enjoy. (Plus, a great electronic backup in case—God forbid—our house burns to the ground or something like that happens.)
So check it out!
Hope it’s a blessing to you.
G’nite and God bless,
Tara B.