Gospel and Injustice (HT: Pastor Anyabwile)
Oh my STARS, but I just read one of the finest essays on INJUSTICE and THE GOSPEL that I have ever read:
Gospel and Injustice (by Pastor Anyabwile)
Please don’t miss it. Let me tempt you with just a brief excerpt:
“Examples of injustice abound. From the unkind word spoken to someone made in the image of God (Jam. 3:9) to prejudices and biases against people of a particular gender, ethnicity, or social standing (Jam. 2:1-4) to abuse and murder. Spending any amount of time contemplating the sheer amount of injustice in the world easily overwhelms us. In this world, injustice is intractable …
But neither injustice nor the resulting wounds have the last word. There is healing available. There is reparation for the victim. But it can only be experienced by freshly appropriating the good news, clinging to the cross rather than to our injury.” (emphasis added)
I was just commenting to Fred on how I really need to beef up my ability to quickly encourage people who are suffering. (Whenever I speak at a women’s retreat or conference, every single break and meal-time is spent talking with women–most of whom are suffering TERRIBLY.)
This essay (and the included Scriptures) provide a great start for my study and prep.
Thank you, Pastor Anyabwile!
Tara B.
If you don’t want to read something thoughtful, gracious, and gospel-oriented about Pastor Jeremiah Wright (Senator Obama’s former pastor), don’t read these entries by Pastor Anyabwile:
– Confusing God and Government (don’t miss the COMMENTS on this one!)
Rare is the person who will actually LIVE OUT what Dr. Roger Nicole taught in his article Polemic Theology–What Do I Owe the Person Who Differs From Me?, but I think Pastor Anybwile hit the mark with these courageous (and accurate) posts.