Happily Snowed In
It’s been awhile since I’ve seen this much snow drop in one day.
(Not 1978, record-breaking-win me the Chicago Tribune SNOW SQUAD award for delivering papers in a BLIZZARD-levels of snow. But lots of snow nonetheless.)
I even had to ask our friend if she would (pretty please) pick us up and drop us off for co-op because a) our Honda would never even make it out of driveway; and b) it’s hard enough to gimp along on a crutch on snow and ice—it’s impossible to do so while carrying a baby in a car seat. I called her our very own personal Yellowstone Snow Coach. 🙂
How grateful I am that we can do almost all of our schooling in bed. In our PJ’s. With my knee elevated. Snug as little bugs in a rug.
In addition to my home duties, I’m trying very hard to make some big deadlines this week re: 2010 events and my current book project. So any prayers you’d care to make on my behalf would, as always, be appreciated.
Hope you are doing well!
Tara B.