Sin & Repentance

Is it an idol?

Yesterday, Sophia Grace (my sixteen month old) learned the word, “Mine!” So now I have front row seats to a dramatic, live production of James 4, verses 1-3: “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something and do not get it. So you kill and you covet because you do not get what you want.”

In this passage, James reminds us that, so often, when our desires (even good desires) are elevated to demands, and our demands are not met, we will often punish the people in our lives. In effect, we sacrifice them on the altar of our idols.

What is an idol?
Is it a gold statue we put on an altar, surround with candles, and pray to? Sometimes.

But more often, especially for Christians, an idol is something or someone we worship other than God.

In her book, The Young Peacemaker, Corlette Sande wonderfully helps children to learn about these “desires elevated to demands” by calling them Monster Wants. “Gimmee!” “Mine!” “Let go!” “Mommmmmmeeeeee!!” All evidences of idolatrous Monster Wants.


But what about for us grownups?

I believe it was Elyse Fitzpatrick who wrote something to the effect that an idol is something that we will sin to get or sin if we do not get it.”

My pastor often reminds us that if we don’t want to give up a certain pleasure, we probably should give it up because that’s what temptation feels like. (I.e., if I’m not tempted to greedily hang onto it and clench it to myself, than big deal! No problem “repenting” of it or turning away. But what about that wonderful, satisfying, comforting pleasure? Will I give that up? Usually not too readily.)

I am praying every day that Sophia will love God more than anything or anyone else in her life. I am praying that she would worship the One True God–not idols. Only the Gospel will displace the idols in her life. Only the Gospel will displace the idols in my life too.

Dear God, please soften my heart and reveal Yourself to me so that I will worship You and You alone. For You alone are worthy of my worship. Every other pleasure is fleeting at best. But You are eternal! Have mercy on Your beloved children, I pray.