Redeeming Church Conflicts

It is naive to deny that professing Christians are quite capable of gossip, innuendo, spin and outright lies when engaged in conflict …


Many thanks to our friend, Dr. Tim Lane (formerly of Westminster/CCEF, currently serving as President of the Institute for Pastoral Care) for his insights and endorsements of Redeeming Church Conflicts:

Redeeming Group Conflicts

I particularly appreciated this note:

“It goes without saying that Christians are quite capable of gossip, innuendo, spin and outright lies when engaged in conflict. To deny that professing Christians are capable of this is naive. When you combine group conflict with perceived hurt, character scrutiny or doctrinal rectitude, the terrain can be challenging to navigate …”

 Amen, brother. And thanks again!
Tara B.

If you’re not yet familiar with Tim Lane, I hope you will click through to his website and get to know him. (His book, How People Changeis one of my all-time favorites.) As an added incentive to visit his site, today Dr. Lane is giving away five copies of Redeeming Church Conflicts.