It sounds so good in theory …
Wouldn’t many of us say that “one anothering” (“love one another,” “serve one another,” “pray for one another,” etc.) happens in community, and thus … relationships are important?
Wouldn’t we say that the Church is the Body of Christ–and thus, we hold a high view of her and we seek to build up the Church?
Doesn’t it sound really good in theory to say that “change happens within community” and “there are no Lone Ranger Christians” and “God uses people to grow us in grace”?
But then … let’s be honest:
– Isn’t hard to forbear with people? Well, CERTAIN people?
– When it’s 6:30PM on a Monday, would you rather veg out and RELAX or grab your Bible and head out the door to small group?
– Isn’t your first instinct, upon hearing of a family’s struggle or a marriage in crisis to think, “I wonder if they’ve met with the pastor. Maybe they should call the pastor.” (Because–seriously. Do we REALLY want to call them up, set a time to get together, and try to encourage/serve/help them? REALLY?)
And yet … the Christian walk truly is a shared pilgrimage.
The Church truly is God’s Plan A. There is no Plan B.
Relationships matter.
So … off I go into another day.
Trying not to cry as I persevere in relationship with someone who has hurt me.
Striving to reach out to someone in need.
Praying for grace to RECEIVE blessings and help from others too.
“Love one another as I have loved you.”
“Live a life of love–just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”
“The one who claims to love God yet hates his brother? He is a liar and the truth is not in him.”
May God have mercy on our souls! (He does. He does.)
May those of us who struggle in relating to people GROW and LEARN by being teachable and humble.
(And may all of you wonderfully at-ease relational people help us! 🙂 )
This IS the day that the Lord has made.
I’m back from walking Lili and heading to the gym and counting down the minutes until Samara & Scout & William arrive tonight–
Rejoicing in the Lord.
By faith, I will rejoice and be glad in this day.
Happy Friday, all!
With love,
Tara B.