Kindle — WOW! And God’s thoughts concerning us — DOUBLE WOW!
I just finished loading a bunch of books onto our family’s new Kindle and can I just say, “WOW!” It’s amazing how easy it is to grab classic after classic. I can’t imagine what this tool must be like for missionary families … you can bring along an entire library in one tiny little leather-covered-package. Amazing.
(I know. I know. I’m very behind the times with technology. It’s true! You can laugh at how slow I am. I don’t mind. I laugh at myself. 🙂 )
I’d appreciate your prayers today as I have to (have to!) finalize my speaker notes for my retreat this week. (Haven’t I been saying that for weeks now?!) And I just found out last night that I have to go into the hospital this afternoon for some scans/testing because apparently a fever of unknown origin is more concerning than I have treated it. That’s a) messing with my prep time; and b) honestly making me a little nervous, which I guess is GREAT for my prep time since the topic is fear / worry / anxiety. But in either case, I’d appreciate your prayers very much.
I’ll leave with you one brief thought from my speaker notes to hopefully encourage you as you head into your day:
“How amazing are your thoughts concerning me, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.” Psalm 139:17-18
One True God is mindful of you.
He doesn’t save generic ‘mankind.’
He saves His beloved children. His beloved CHILD. You.