Just for Fun!

Like “Give a Mouse a Cookie” for Frequent Flyers

Fred’s reflection on my morning:

“Man! It’s like give a mouse a cookie for frequent flyers!”

This in response to my explanation as to why I wasn’t yet engaged in my other duties:

– I went to take my vitamins but the box was empty so I went to fill it

– But then I thought that I might as well fill my travel vitamin box for this weekend in Utah

– ‘Course, when I opened my rollaboard to get out my travel box, I thought I might as well fill my protein bars, vitamin water packets, and almonds too


– And if I’m taking the time to do all that, why don’t I top of my 3 oz travel-sized liquids and throw in my clothes for the weekend

– And if I throw my clothes in, might as well check to make sure I have my speaker notes and Bible

– Now that all that’s done, I think I’ll fill my vitamins …
