Michael Hyatt’s Blog
Whenever someone asks me how to be a published author, I always send them to Michael Hyatt’s “Advice to First Time Authors” and encourage them to read his ebook, Writing a Winning Book Proposal, if they are serious about trying to “break in” with an agent or publisher. (For my most recent proposal, which was immediately picked up by Baker Books, I followed his suggestions line-by-line.)
But in addition to writing and publishing, his blog has a wealth of information on leadership, productivity, technology, marketing (and more). Plus, it is the most professional, engaging, easy-to-navigate website I’ve ever visited. So I encourage you to get to know his blog, even if (like me) you are in the season of life of raising young children and those days of efficiency and professionalism in the workplace seem far, far away. (The other day I had to access a dusty area of my brain related to contract law/UCC sales and I could almost feel the gears of my mind creaking along.)
Whenever people are truly experts in any field and they are excellent communicators, we learn from them. It doesn’t matter what the topics are, we can almost always find application to our sphere of influence. And even if not, we can just enjoy the pleasure of that, “Ah-hah! Interesting!” moment when we actually learn something new. (That’s how I’m feeling as I read D.A. Carson’s book about his father (Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor)—I asked Fred last night, “Do you think it’s strange that I’m enthralled by a book about an old pastor planting a church in French-speaking Canada?” He just laughed and said no. Guess he knows me after 15 years of marriage. But it’s SO interesting! I didn’t know ANY of this information about Canada and I had never thought through the church-planting challenges related to the language / cultural / Catholic-Protestantism conflicts. It’s really an amazing read.)
But back to Michael Hyatt …
Here are just a few of his recent posts that I found to be worth the read:
How to Avoid a Public Backlash When Introducing a Major Organizational Change
The Easiest Way to Overcome Bad Habits
Why You Must Confront Seemingly Indispensable But Disrespectful Team Members
Clear Your Desk, Clear Your Mind
But there are many other great reads tucked in his site. Poke around and enjoy!