Well … I’ve been struck completely OUT by the worst migraine I’ve had in YEARS. Started around 5PM, but by 7PM, I was incapacitated in a dark room with an ice pack on my head and STILL vomiting.
I had a TINY bit of relief around 4:10AM. Oh! How I thanked God for only throbbing pain rather than excruciating pain. I have no idea how people in such CHRONIC pain (or our soldiers being tortured!) survive. (Not to equate my tiny suffering with theirs! I just marvel at what people can survive when they are REALLY suffering.)
ANYWAY … this blog post marks the entirety of the time I will be upright for the next three hours as Soph is happily occupied and I’m heading to the darkness of the basement.
One of the things that troubled me in the night, though, was that I haven’t yet reminded you all that our little “initial sale” price on my DVD series ends in three days (March 15)
Living the Gospel in Relationships
And I’m particularly wanting to be sure I remind you because (BIG NEWS!) it looks like my denomination (the PCA) and Peacemaker Ministries MAY be picking it up in their bookstores.
If they do, the price will have to go up even MORE because our family will have to pay some royalty fees. And I didn’t want to mislead you or have you miss out on the “pretty much our costs cost.”
OK. Even dimmed, the light of this laptop is too much.
God bless you!
God is with you!
And He is mighty to save.
Tara B.