Singleness & Marriage

More details to follow …

I woke up this morning SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!

I’ve been planning a BIG SURPRISE for the Fredster for MONTHS now and today was a “big day” with my scheming and planning and totally seeking to bless his socks off.

It reminds me of our wedding rehearsal night …

Yes, I was THRILLED to be marrying Fred the next day. (How GOOD it was to finally get to be together and not have to say goodbye at the end of the day.)

But I also remember being EXTRAORDINARILY excited to give Fred his wedding gift (a solid-top, beautiful, hand crafted guitar that was WAY beyond our means in grad school … but that I was able to purchase for him because his groomsmen chipped in too).

I wept I was so excited!
And it was great to hear him play.

ANYWAY … back to 2007 …

I can give you more details on the surprise on Sunday.
But I just had to let you know!

It’s late.
I’m exhausted.
My back is killing me!
But I’m very, very happy.

Isn’t it fun to bless someone you love?
Don’t you just love surprises?


What a sweet reminder of that which is GOOD.

Thank You, God, for this tender reminder of your sovereign care.
This life is so often full of suffering and sorrow–
I am grateful for this day of sweetness and anticipatory glee.

God bless you, my friends!
Remember–the Lord is with you.

Tara B.