New Topic?
I just pitched a potentially new topic to Peacemaker Ministries for their conference next month and I’d LOVE to know whether you think it sounds interesting/helpful/etc:
How to Grow Redemptive (and Enjoyable!) Relationships among Our Women—Especially When We Disagree: Do you have a hard time even imagining what it would be like for the relationships among your women to be united, mutually-encouraging, and overflowing with grace—especially when you disagree on important topics? In this workshop, we will discuss some of the most commonly-divisive topics among women (working outside of the home, children and childrearing, domestic duties, educational choices, money, sex, in-laws, etc.) and prayerfully consider some biblical and practical ways we can grow genuinely redemptive (and even enjoyable!) relationships among our women. (By the way—if you instinctively think, ‘There is NO way I will ever feel comfortable or wanted around Christian women!’ then this workshop is particularly for YOU because that is exactly the way the speaker, Tara Barthel, felt around Christian women for years.)