Not Many “Find Their Place”
I received an email this morning from a dear woman who was actually one of my very VERY first “Tara’s doing a women’s retreat / not a formal Peacemaker Ministries staff member” event hosts. (I remember how AMAZED Fred and I were that our family had the honor of serving those women, their families, and their churches in that way. We’re still humbled and amazed.)
ANYWAY … she made an off-hand comment about some of the ministries in which she is serving. (She is one of those people who serves and serves, but usually in secret–so people have NO IDEA in this life. But we’ll see the jewels in her crown at Jesus’ feet in the next.)
And, though CONTENT and JOYFUL, she did mention how she “still doesn’t really feel that she has found her place.”
I responded to her something to the effect of:
It is a grace to just persevere and do the next thing, I think.
The longer I live, the more I am convinced that RARE is the person who feels as though they ‘find their place.’ But there is a lot of love and ministry and service provided by people who do what they can with the energy, time, resources they have.
And I would add to that now just how much good COULD be done by people if they would STOP waiting for “the perfect fit” or “their happy place” or something that “feels right.”
This woman? SHE IS SERVING. With contentment and joy–given her present circumstances. To me? That’s faith. Love. Courage. Gospel living in action.
Thank you, D.T. for reminding me of what’s important.
So … back to MY task for the morning. 🙂
Happy Thursday!
Happy first day of spring!
Tara B.