Sin & Repentance

Object – Relational – Life Meaning Lusts (HT: CCEF)

Tim Challies linked over to a great CCEF article that I encourage you to check out:

When the Problem Is S*xual Sin–A Counseling Model

The author, John Bettler, uses a three-tiered pyramid analogy (with “Lust Object” at the top, “Relational Lusts” in the middle and “Life-Meaning Luses” at the bottom) to illustrate his teaching points.

There are many excellent points that are useful for all struggles with sin, but they are particularly helpful for this “can be hard to talk about” (but SO common!) one.

If you are uncomfortable talking, encouraging, and lay-counseling about this topic (with your teenage children, adult friends, whomever), I encourage you to check it out. AND consider attending (and sending your church leaders to) the 2009 CCEF National Conference: Sex Matters.

(Fred and I are SO BUMMED that finances won’t allow us to attend this year’s CCEF Conference!)


Like all sin, this one is insidious, destructive, enslaving, and NEEDS to come out of the darkness and into the Light of the Gospel. More of us struggle with this sin than we EVER admit. It’s time to admit it and get help in the church.

God bless you! And Happy Monday–

Tara B.